Founded on St George's Day April 23rd 1897

as The Manchester Orchid Society

It was to become TheNorth of England Orchid Society -

Around 1973...

The North of England orchid society was born

Ths society welcomes all new members, we are freindly and approachable, and with a monthly show 12 months of the year shows are a great place to meet other enthusiasts and pick up losts of advice and help should you be a relative newcome to the world of orchids.

We can be found at venues up and down the country as we support other orchid shows and the larger flower shows.

You do not need to be a member to come attend one of our monthly meetings, jwhere usually the will be orchids for sale you are unlikely to see in the garden centres or supermarkets, just come along, see what we are about and perhaps join the society


An orchid society is born

now probably the oldest in the world

The north of england orchid society....

Way back at the end of the 19th Century the Society meetings took place fortnightly in The Coal Exchange Manchester.

Enthusiastic members from many parts of England would bring their plants to be admired and judged, this was then the only organisation in the UK not to mention the world, where orchid growers and enthusiasts could proudly display their plants, so much so that on December 18th 1913 over 1000 plants were displayed at one of our shows, and even today our large events will see orchids displayed in such numbers.

Apart from the odd brief interlude during both World Wars, the Society has been meeting regularly since its inception.

Nowadays, meetings continue on a monthly basis, each one still a judged show in its own right, with members competing on a friendly basis for annual challenge trophies covering some 20 classes.  

Our members come from all corners of the North of England, and our shows take place within a 30 mile radius of the City of Manchester.

1997 saw our centennial, and to celebrate the event a two day show and congress was organized at Southport Merseyside UK. in the April of that year. This event was a milestone in Orchid History, as we celebrated the first 100 years of any Orchid Society, and was attended by orchidists from all over the World.

We have staged exhibits as a Society at the prestigious Southport Flower Show and in more recent years taken several silver gilt, gold and other medals at the RHS Show at Tatton Park Manchester, regularly taking the further trophy for the best display in the Tent.

To record our first Century, a book was produced as a record of the inception and progress of the society through the very interesting period of 1897 to 1997. Membership of the society costs £25.00 double, £20.00 single, or £7.50 junior.

To joint our society please visit our society shop.

Members are entitled to enter plants for judging at monthly shows, and receive regular News-Sheets to keep them informed of our activities.

